SEVITEM-100-GREASE > Eco-friendly Materials


Eco-friendly Materials


Data : 2021-01-28

Views : 364




Eco-friendly recycled grease synthesized by regenerating vegetable waste oil

What is Greece?

Grease is a lubricant made semi-solid by applying grease to lubricants. Grease, a semi-solid lubricant, is light enough to

 be divided into chunks and soft enough to flow through conduits. The lubricating grease is resilient when the grease

 charged in the bearing is mixed and diluted according to the movement of the machine, close to the viscosity of the

 lubricating oil on the lubricating surface. Therefore, Grease has many characteristics that cannot be obtained from

 liquid lubricants because of its unique properties.

※ Advantages of lubricating grease comparable to lubricant

I. Only a small amount of lubricant that can be maintained in the lubricants can be applied to the lubricants for a long

 time in a simple practical instrument.

II. The oil film is maintained for a long period of time to prevent rust or corrosion of the device.

III. It is highly adsorbent and is resistant to high loads.

IV. It is suitable for economical and difficult refueling areas due to low refueling frequency.

Purpose of Lubrication

The purpose of using lubricants is to lubricate the frictional parts of the machine to reduce friction, prevent wear and

 tear, reduce power consumption, improve the efficiency of the machine and play many other roles.

 the action of lubrication

1. lubrication action: reduces friction in the motor parts of the machine, improves mechanical efficiency, reduces wear

 and damage, and prolongs the life of the machine.

2. Cooling effect: Heat generated by friction, heat transferred from the outside, or heat generated during processing of 

metal is absorbed and released to the outside.

3. Sealing effect: It prevents pressure or oil from being exposed to the outside by sealing the activity part of the

 machine and prevents inhalation of foreign substances such as water or dust.

4. Anti-corrosive action: To prevent rust from occurring on the lubricating surface by oxygen, water, or corrosive

 opening in the air

5. Cleaning: The act of cleaning impurities (carbon substances caused by combustion, metal abrasion) generated in the

 lubricating part from the lubricating surface.

6. Stress (load) dispersion: An action that prevents local wear and tear by dispersing the pressure applied to the

 lubricating part widely.

* Composition (renewable oil, spirits, additives)

1. renewable oil

Renewable oil includes automobile oil, ship oil, insulating oil, gear oil, and animal and plant oil, which are used alone or

 mixed. The viscosity of the eccentricity is an important determination of the properties of Greece, and the proper

 viscosity of the eccentricity is selected according to the purpose of use.

2. Thickener

- Soap thickeners: Soap steamers are made from alkali metals and fatty acids, and alkali metals include sodium or

 calcium, aluminum, and lithium. Fatty acids are commonly used in animal and plant maintenance, and other fatty acids

 such as hardened fatty acids and synthetic fatty acids are used.

- Nonsoap thickeners 
: There are two types of Nonsoap thickeners agents: inorganic and organic. Common uses in the

 inorganic world include benton and silica gel. When applied to oil, this Nonsoap thickeners diffuses onto the gel

 during oil due to its affinity to form a grease. These progenitors are used in high temperature lubrications because

 there is no phase transition to temperature.

3. Additives 

- Anti-oxidant : Slow down the oxidation of oil and suppress acidic substances and sludge production

- Anti-rust agent: Adsorption on the metal surface to prevent contact with air and water

- Anti-corrosion agent: Corrosion protection by forming a protective film on the metal surface

- Antifluidant: Recover the excellent characteristics of the oil and promote separation

- Viscosity index enhancer: Reduce viscosity change due to temperature change of lubricating oil

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